Minority Languages in the Digital Age

12. oktober 2020


As part of the European Week of Regions and Cities, the Mid-Norway European Office has the pleasure of inviting you to explore how thinking digital can help empower minority language users in their everyday life.

Time and date of event: 13.00-14.00, Wednesday the 14th of October 2020.

The event will build on a submitted Erasmus+ project proposal, which seeks to empower teachers and community members in leading the enhancement of curricula – to make use of local resources and digital methods to create arenas where the language can be actively used.

In a briefing to 
the European Parliament, launched in September 2020, the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) states that “Regional and minority languages (RMLs) together with smaller state languages – the ‘lesser-used languages’ – are under serious threat of extinction (…). However, digital technology is not necessarily a death sentence; it can also offer a rescue kit.”

Join the European dialogue about the available digital didactic materials for keeping threatened languages alive!

Register and join the discussion here.

13:00Welcome to explore how thinking digitally can help empower minority language users in their everyday life

Heidi Fossland, director of the Mid-Norway European Office.
13:05Setting the scene – How to communicate in South Saami, a threatened language? 

Marja Mortensson, a young South Saami yoiker and singer, and Frode Fjellheim, professor at the Nord University, musician and music composer.
13.15EU’s strategy for strengthening multilingualism and supporting digital tools for education   

Guillaume Jagle, national expert in DG Education and Culture (EAC) to the European Commission.
13:30Creating a virtual learning environment for interactive and engaging language learning

Asbjørn Kolberg, Nord University (Norway).
Cor van der Meer, Fryske Akademy (the Netherlands).
Sanita Lazdiņa, the Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia).
13.45Open discussion (Q&A)

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